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Moon Lantern Festival 2017

The ACFS SA would warmly like to invite you to participate in this year’s Moon Lantern Festival Parade on Sunday, October 1st.

The ACFS will be part of lantern installations throughout Elder Park. Enjoy Adelaide’s food truck cuisine and after sunset, get ready for the lantern parade, led by the popular 40 metre long Hong Kong Dragon and finishing with spectacular fireworks!

We are also keen to have children participating in the festival with us and enjoy the fun and carry a lantern!

To register your interest and to nominate children that would like to be a part of this event please email Kechen Dong (include the names of all participants and for children and also include their birth year).

Upon your registration you will be sent all participation details for the Moon Lantern Festival 2017

Contact Kechen on kechen.dong@student.adelaide.edu.au or mobile her 0421 083 531

Please come and join us for a fun night full of lights, music and festivities!

Find our more here about the Moon Lantern Festival