澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚
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澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚

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ACFSSA Life Members

Life Members

  • Mr Jeffrey EMMEL
  • Mrs Ann MAINWOOD
  • Mr Dennis MAINWOOD
  • Mrs Herta SIMONITSCH
  • Mrs Barbara WAHLSTROM
  • Mr Michael WILLISS

Deceased Life Members

  • Sir Walter CROCKER
  • Mr John SCRIVEN
  • Mr Charlie MCCAFFREY
  • Mrs Muriel BAYNES
  • Mrs Marj JOHNSTONE
  • Mrs Doris JACOBSON

It was impossible for Roy Bayne’s efforts as Secretary to go unnoticed. Sir Walter Crocker, a distinguished former diplomat who had himself favoured the granting of diplomatic recognition to China at a much earlier date, had much to do with recommending Roy for the Medal of the Order of Australia for his services to international relations.

Sir Walter had accepted a post as the Lieutenant-Governor of SA and assisted us in a number of ways and was, for a time, a sort of unofficial patron of the Society. Roy for his part, always said that his award was really the Society’s, that he accepted it in the hope that it would clear the air in terms of how the Society was viewed, that it would help establish the standing and credibility of the organisation.