澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚
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澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚

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Welcome message from the President, June Phillips ACFS SA

June-Phillips President ACFSSAWelcome to our website, we thank you for your interest in the Australia China Friendship Society South Australia.

Ours is an organisation that commenced sixty years ago, at a time when any relationship with China was misunderstood and usually viewed with some suspicion. The foresight of the founders was decades ahead of its time and, in retrospect, very visionary.

As a result of their efforts in establishing friendships with the residents of China over the years many misconceptions of that country and its people are gradually being overcome.

Members of our Society have been privileged to know and understand the culture of the amazing country that is China.

With a history and culture that dates back many centuries, China offers an intriguing and fascinating glimpse into a way of life that is unfamiliar and foreign to us.

My conception of China as crowded and overpopulated has been dispelled and I continue to appreciate the beautiful county side of which we see so little.

To see, and marvel at the familiar attractions of the Great Wall(s), Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors and others makes one think of the centuries old engineering feats that created these attractions.

For example – the calculations that constructed the Great Walls, plus the making of the bricks by hand, no factories churning them out by the hundreds of thousands!

The labour that went into making the Forbidden City with its gold leaf decorations and no nails used anywhere in construction, not to mention the marble slabs that line the moat and the massive hand carved marble that leads to where emperors stood over the centuries.

Who invented the heat cones so that the life size terracotta warriors, their horses and chariots could be fired at the correct temperature?

Who thought of weaving silk from those worms? Then boil and eat the industrious little creatures!

Was the passport another invention? Travellers to China many centuries ago had to produce papers, have them stamped and pay before they could enter China.

To marvel at the history of this ancient land and then become aware of the latest technology on offer is a great experience and I hope you can avail yourself of an opportunity to visit China and enjoy all that is on offer.

June Phillips
President, ACFS SA

President June Philips Speech

Shanghai Youth Camp

President June Phillips - Shanghai Youth Camp 2014Thank you for the honour of speaking on behalf of the many countries and their students participating in this amazing 10th Shanghai International Youth Camp. My own experience has been, and I am sure I speak for all participants, an incredible experience.

We have been provided with many experiences that will remain for the rest of our lives plus differences lifestyles. Now I would encourage you all to consider inviting Chinese students to visit your countries and share day to day living experiences which will provide a fantastic opportunity to understand and see what you are proud of.

Please join me in showing your appreciation to our hosts and acknowledge their hard work and efforts in organising this fabulous event.



Tony Pasin MP presents Australian Flag to Rachel Anderson and Kalimna Roe Simons
2014 Youth Delegates to Shanghai