澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚
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澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚

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ACFS SA Cultural Activities

Public Displays

Displays and Children’s Activities in Public Libraries, Zoo, SchoolsDisplays and Children’s Activities in Public Libraries, Zoo, Schools

Library DisplayLibrary Display


  • Images of Guizhou Province Exhibition to be mounted at Murray Bridge Gallery and other Regional locations in whole or part from late 2015
  • Paper Cuts and Farmers Art 2014 Murray Bridge Gallery
  • Paper Cuts and Farmers Art 2014 at Ridoch Gallery Mt Gambier

Guizhou Province Exhibition

Images of Guizhou Province Exhibition

Images of Guizhou Province Exhibition

Paper Cuts and Farmers Art 2014 Murray Bridge Gallery

At the Opening Paper Cut and Farmer’s Paintings Exhibition Murray Bridge Gallery 2014

Aaron Duff, Executive Officer Confucius Institute, University of Adelaide (left) and Hongwei Rao, Minister-Counsellor Cultural Office, Embassy PRC Canberra (centre) at the Opening Paper Cut and Farmer’s Paintings Exhibition Murray Bridge Gallery 2014


Open Paper Cut and Farmer's Painitings exhibitionFrom the exhibition

Open Paper Cut and Farmer's Painitings exhibitionFrom the exhibition

1992 Taste of China at Murray Bridge

On National Display

The Harvest of Endurance

The Harvest of endurance Scroll is an illustration of the Chinese presence in Australia and was produced as a bi-centenial gift with the support of the Australia China Friendship Society National body. It now stands in the National Museum in Canberra. It is a remarkable documentation of Chinese people and events over Australia’s history and is a valuable educational masterpiece.

Explore the scroll >

Harvest of Endurance: A History of the Chinese in Australia 1788 – 1988 pdf