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Australians at Shanghai International Youth Friendship Camp 2017

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Australians at Shanghai International Youth Friendship Camp 2017

(English) 2017 Shanghai Youth Friendship Camp reports

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Shanghai Youth Friendship Camp 2017 – Emily Jennings

On the 17th of July 2017, I was one of five Australians youth (myself, Cameron, Tayla, Yvonne. Andrew and Jingjie – Chaperone) who went to Shanghai, China as a cultural ambassador to learn more about Chinese culture and how people in Shanghai lived. We did this by attending the 13th Shanghai International Youth Interactive Friendship Camp. I found this experience exciting fun and enriching.

The Chinese Exchange Program enabled me to achieve something that I am passionate about as I study Chinese and am a keen mandarin leaner. I have fostered a passion for language and culture learning, allowing me to easily transfer this when in a new environment. As well as connecting with a new culture. I was eager to make a positive contribution to seek peace and harmony. I value this chance to demonstrate leadership as I am keen to help others grow, learn and succeed.

Representing the ACFS I could adapt to different cultural and culinary experiences. I had the ability to embrace challenging situations I was presented with having a kind and calm mindset when making decisions. My goal was to continue to expand my knowledge and build on my education as I enjoy learning Chinese and its culture. I chose to become a cultural ambassador for the ACFS and am grateful for them providing me with this amazing experience.

My favourite part of the trip was when I spent the weekend with my host family as it gave me an insight into their lifestyle.

Thank you and appreciation to the leaders and volunteers of SPAFFC and the Shanghai Youth Federation. I would especially like to thank my group leader Cathy, my host family Dr and Mrs Yan and their daughter Jessy for their hospitality, and Pat O’Riley and Jingjie Li for preparing me for my journey to Shanghai.

I am proud that the ACFS chose me to attend this camp. or visit the Shanghai International Youth Friendship Camp page.

Read report by Yvonne Dumlao and Chaperone Jingjie Li

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