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(English) Working with the SAJC

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June Phillips arranged a meeting between Kevin Harrison, SAJC Committee member, Stephen Chen and Mark Wang from ACFDA to discuss a future Chinese race day.

The SAJC will host them, and around twelve of their guests (possibly including the Consulate-General) to discuss the organising of the event.

The date is to be confirmed.

ACFDA are in the process of launching China’s Union card and the races could prove an opportunity to advertise this and attract both users and traders.

The Union Card is a credit card that is used by the four biggest banks in China and has 5 billion card holders.

Kevin has been issued an invitation, by Stephen, to meet Consular General Mr Cai Siping and Consul Ms Tan Yuan at their welcome reception on Monday 4th September which the ACFS SA has also received invitations for the President and Secretary to attend.

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