澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚
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澳大利亚中国 友好协会 南澳大利亚

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Shanghai Pre-college Language for International Students

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Shanghai Pre-college for International Students (SPIS) is established by Shanghai Education Committee. As the education base for international students at the level of pre-college, it is hosted by Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) who is responsible for its teaching and administration.

Backed by the outstanding teaching faculty, academic achievement and other education resources from SHNU, and learning from the model and experience of pre-college education for undergraduate with Chinese Government Scholarship, SPIS formulates curriculum and administration mechanism suitable to pre-college students. The goal is to prepare students to be qualified for undergraduate study at universities in Shanghai through the acquisition of the Chinese language knowledge, related science knowledge and cross-cultural communication abilities.

Shanghai Pre-college for International Students


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